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|-| Résiliences (ou le besoin d’une écologie-monde) |-|
Photo, video and audio installation
Creation: Etienne Bernardot
■   Project presentation:
“Invisibility of peoples and dehumanization, ecology and social justice, Étienne Bernardot addresses the social and environmental issues that populations face in the “Capitalocene” era. The artist went to meet different Native American communities in northern Argentina and associations working in popular ecology with the aim of collecting images, sounds and testimonies. It brings together this content in the form of an immersive installation combining video projections, soundtrack and photographic prints which repeats itself endlessly. Neither documentary fiction nor journalistic reporting but a work of art in its own right, this creation is intended to travel and be taken to other countries with other people, in order to be enriched by new encounters and new cultures and with the aim of assessing the extent of the overall socio-environmental damage caused throughout the world.

■   Dates in Argentina:
- November 20 to December 2, 2023: Meeting with the Wichi communities in Las Lomitas in northern Argentina, then the Qom Qadhuoqte community in Rosario, thanks la Croix du Sudassociation
- December 4 to 12, 2023: Several meetings to follow the work of theOtromodo association in the Tigre region north of Buenos Aires.
- December 2 to 28, 2023: Project hosted in residence atBROTA, in Buenos Aires
- December 27, 2023: Presentation of a residency exit atArea 623, in Buenos Aires

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